Blumenbach – Online Digitalisate und Transkriptionen zu den Briefregesten
Absender/Empfänger: Blumenbach an Gilbert Blane.
Datum: 1798, Jan. 10
Ort: Göttingen
Überlieferung: Angebot des Auktionshauses „Forum Auctions“, London, für eine Auktion am 6. Detember 2017; online-Version des Angebots (letzter Zugriff: 5. Juli 2021).
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Gottingen Jan. ye 10th 1798

Dear Sir
I have delayed it so long to return You
my most obliging hearty Thanks for the valuable present
of the Barbadoes Tar, as well as for the very interesting
notices in the kind Letter You favour’d me with, be-
cause I wished to accompany this my acknowledgment
with the new Editon of my institutiones physiologicae
which are now finish’d & of which I have send a copy
under Your Adress to the care of Mr Best. of which
trifle I beg You will honour me with Your kind ac-
ceptance & believe me full of the most sincere regard
& gratitude
Your most obedient &
very faithful Servant
Jo[han] Fr[deri]k Blumenbach

I shall reckon it a particular favour of Yours if
You will be so kind to present occasionally my re-
spectful compliments to Mr Hunter.
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