Blumenbach – Online Digitalisate und Transkriptionen zu den Briefregesten
Absender/Empfänger: Blumenbach an Joseph Willard.
Datum: 1795, Nov. 29
Ort: Göttingen
Überlieferung: Cambridge, Massachusetts, American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
RG I-B-2: General records. Unbound correspondence, 1781-1936, folder 26,
vgl. Angabe auf einer Internetseite der American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
des online verfügbaren Digitalisats der American Academy of Arts and Sciences (siehe „Überlieferung“; letzter Zugriff 22. Juni 2021).
Gottingen November, ye 29th 1795

I have the honor to acquaint You that, at
the last solemn anniversary meeting of the R[oyal] [Society]
of Gottingen You were elected one of their members
of which Election the inclosed Diploma is the re-
gular certificate; & think myself very happy
to see me once more in a litterary connexion
with a man for whose great Talents and merits
I had always the highest Regard.
I take in the same Time the Liberty of adding
a Paper I published some days ago in case that You
would think it convenient to present it to the
American Academy, & am with sentiments
of the truest & greatest Esteem Sir
Your most obedient humble Servant
Joh[an] Fred[eri]k Blumenbach

F[ellow of the] A[merican] A[cademy] & R[oyal] [Societies] of Gottingen and London.
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