Blumenbach – Online Digitalisate und Transkriptionen zu den Briefregesten
Absender/Empfänger: Michael Faradayan Blumenbach.
Datum: 1836, Apr. 18
Ort: London
Überlieferung: Göttingen, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, 4° Cod. Ms. hist. lit. 116 Bd. II, Nr. 44 (Angabe aus James, Frank A. J. L.: The Correspondence of Michael Faraday. Volume 2: 1832–December 1840. Letters 525–1333. London : Inst. of Electrical Engineers, 1993, S. 349–350 Letter 912. Digitalisat (Google-Books).
(aus James, The Correspondence of Michael Faraday, s. o.)
Royal Institution | London | 18 April 1836
I feel most sensibly the extreme honor which has been conferred on me by the Society of Gottingen and most respectfully beg to return my sincerest thanks for this high mark of its approbation[.] It has if possible additional interest & value to me in coming through the hands of one whom I reverence for his long and earnest exertions in the cause of Science and to whom I now respectfully express my wishes for his continued health and happiness[.]
I am Sir | with the truest esteem and | admiration | Your very faithful Servant | M. Faraday
M. Jn. F. Blumenbach | &c &c &c &c
Address: Professor Blumenbach | &c &c & | Gottingen
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