Formal relationships of dependence between Blumenbach’s publications
Printing office around 1770. Drawing by Daniel Chodowiecki. (Detail; click for complete picture and reference). Until the 19th century books were made by hand. An English translation of Blumenbach’s Institutiones physiologicae from 1817 (bibliography number 0076) was – probably by chance – the first book ever printed by machine. Newspapers were printed by machine some years earlier; cf. Bertram, Franz: „The Institutions of Physiology by J. Fred. Blumenbach. Eine Erinnerung an Friedrich König und Andreas Friedrich Bauer, die Erfinder der Schnellpresse.“ In: Archiv für Buchgewerbe 44, Heft 4 (1907), S. 144–148. Digital version.
Many of Blumenbach’s texts were published several times, either in unchanged form (e.g. as offprints) or in derived versions (e.g. shortened or extended versions, subsequent editions, translations). This can provide information on Blumenbach’s strategies of text production and publication and on the reception of his texts (e.g. in the form of translations). The following table shows relationships of dependence of this kind established to date (as of Dec. 2017).
The table lists texts that build on each other in formal terms, i.e. present facts or a train of thought in identical (or only slightly varied) linguistic-argumentative form. This also includes translations – based on the assumption that they transport the original text structure into another language. So far, references and dependencies regarding content have not been taken into account. The labelling of a text as “original” or “derived” version is usually based on the date of publication and not on research into the genesis of the texts or their contents.
Note for use::
The structure of the table follows the structure of the complete bibliography of Blumenbach’s publications. For the sake of greater clarity, the texts are listed only on the basis of their number in the bibliography. Clicking on the numbers opens an information window (see illustration) with
the full title of the publication
information on the relationship of the text to other texts
a link to the complete bibliography entry.
The info window can be closed by clicking the corresponding button in the window or by clicking the bibliography number again.
* Hier und im Folgenden wird angenommen, dass der zusammenfassende deutschsprachige Bericht in den GAgS bzw. GgA auf der vollständigen Fassung des Vortrags beruht, deren (lateinische) Version teilweise erst mehrere Jahre nach dem Bericht in den Commentationes des Societät der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen publiziert wurde.
Göttingische Anzeigen von gelehrten Sachen : unter der Aufsicht der Königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, ab 1802 Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen : unter der Aufsicht der königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften